Posts filed under ‘Tips and Tools’

212 Degrees to Boiling

We wanted to pass along this very short inspirational movie/video… at 211 degrees water is HOT, but add one degree, and at 212 degrees, water boils, produces steam and can produce enough energy to run a train!  This is worth watching… it takes EFFORT, ENERGY and WORK to be great, produce results,  make a difference… to change your life!

August 17, 2009 at 11:55 am Leave a comment

Company Case Study: New P&G CEO Bob McDonald on How to Improve Lives for People Who Cannot Afford Products

Here is a great case study example of how P&G  found a way to improve lives and save water for consumers in the  Philippines with the innovation of a product called Downy Single Rinse:

bob_mcdonaldFrom Forbes: On the Call: P&G CEO Bob McDonald

Associated Press, 08.05.09,

“The Procter & Gamble Co. uses a slogan that its consumer products touch and improve lives. Traditionally, that’s meant with “new and improved” innovations of Tide detergent and Crest toothpaste and other products.

But the company is pushing to increase sales in developing countries where per capita incomes are far below U.S. consumers, in a global recession. Bob McDonald, who took over July 1 as CEO, discussed the challenge in P&G’s fourth-quarter earnings conference call with analysts.


I know you want to change lives, but what if people can’t afford to change their lives?


One of the things we’ve learned is that, in order to improve the lives of people that tend to be toward the bottom of the economic pyramid, you have to innovate for the best consumer experience for those people. It’s not a matter of trickling down higher-tier technology.

A great example of that is Downy Single Rinse, which we began developing in the Philippines some years ago. This was an opportunity for Filipino consumers who rinse their clothes five times with clear water in order to get rid of the soap, to use a product that added fragrance, some degree of softness, but also, importantly, sequestered the suds that were in the water and allowed them to go from five rinses to one.

And basically, the product pays for itself because of the water that they save.”

August 11, 2009 at 12:39 pm 1 comment

How you respond to the economy is a CHOICE

choicesI believe there are three key measurements for today’s uncertain economic environment.

1. Accelerating pace of change.

2. Our key response is fear, anxiety, insecurity, which according to Bright Side’s research and interviews is increasing.

3. The key sustainable advantage is our expanded capacity to learn/unlearn/relearn in the moment every moment.

Today’s recession reminds me of experiences I had over 25 years ago when I developed Bright Side’s personal change-leader model to expand my own capacity and the capacity of others, their teams, their organizations to be more equipped to lead toward the future dreams and desired business outcomes. My past experiences, both my past positive experiences and my past negative experiences continue to be triggered for me today and could limit or minimize the impact that I personally can and want to have and Bright Side can and wants to have.

And how I respond to those triggers is a choice: Yes, the recession is knocking on my door and I am choosing to not answer it.

The personal leader model is as relevant today as when I lost my job in the machine tool industry during the early 1980’s. Not only did I lose my job, I watched an entire industry collapse. I, along with many other Americans, was stuck in a view of arrogance, ‘Ohio is the machine tools capitol of the world, other countries make junk.’ After traveling to Japan in 1981, working with the Father of Quality, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, I began to wonder, have an insight, that perhaps I was experiencing the early side of a trend and I could ignore it or learn about it and take action to embrace and lead from that trend. 

That failure became the impetus for the Bright Side model…

July 29, 2009 at 1:01 pm Leave a comment

Context – An Empowering Enabler

contextDisempowered people work in a vacuum.  They do what they are told and are limited to taking safe, prescribed actions and making secure, pre-approved decisions.  They have no need for understanding the context within which they take action.  Some roles require this type of standardization and control.  They are roles that eventually will be automated or disappear as systems and infrastructure mature to where the roles are no longer necessary.

For more mature roles that require independent action, problem-solvingand decision-making a more empoweringand enabling model for performance and accountability is necessary.  Leaders need to provide context for these individuals so they can act without seeking approval every time a decision is required, and so that they can take action that best serves achieving the future state desired by the organization.

One powerful technique for helping these individuals perform within the parameters and in support of the direction the organization has chosen is to share the vision for the future that executive leadership has defined for the organization.  

At the same time, a solid understanding of the current state in which the organization finds itself is important to understand such that the gap between the the present and the future is grasped and owned by those who must make independent decisions regarding how to move from where we are today to the future vision we have for the company.  The key component of engaging others is necessary at this point as well as empowering and enabling.

We call this understanding of the current state, future state and gap – CONTEXT – because it provides high level awareness that clarifies direction, and paves the way with key strategies and behaviors required to move in a straight line toward the future in an accelerated manner.  In essence, it builds a road from the current state to the future state, puts curbs on the road to keep people on the straight path, and equips them with maps, mile markers, gas, vehicles and behaviors – the resources necessary to assure the future destination is reached in a sustianable and accelerated manner, with as little resistance as possible.

Frequently, in our behavioral interviews of employees we find that people may not know the future state clearly and are operating to specific goal achievement only.  They tend to operate with blinders on and march to the beat of only one drum.

In some cases, we find employees who seem to have a grasp of the future vision and are moving very rapidly toward it and outpacing the capability of the organization to support this movement.  They seem to have no concept of the current state and are building unsustainable solutions for the future.

Lastly, we often find people who are off target completely and operating to historic precedence or taking independent actions that are in the wrong direction from the future vision, or tangential to it.  They are slowing everybody down with their misapplication of resources.

All of these people are working hard and in some cases are working harder than they ever have in the past.  Unfortunately, they are not really contributing to achieving the future state in a sustainable and accelerated way.

They need to understand the higher level context of where they are, where they are going and the key strategies and behaviors that are supported and resourced by the organization to help them get there

As a leader of leaders at all levels, context is one of the critical components when it comes to empowering and enabling others.   Keep it in mind as you lead others to a new future for your organization.

What other aspects of context would you like to share?


July 18, 2009 at 10:28 pm Leave a comment

Personal Productivity

Personal productivity is something toward which we all strive. We want to be able to accomplish more in a shorter time span and focus longer so we can strategize and implement better. We want to rid ourselves of all the small distractions and time-wasters that always seem to add up to more than we think. Before we know it, it’s 2 pm and we haven’t accomplished half of what we needed to that day.

 Those of you wishing there were 25 hours in the day should listen up, because personal productivity is attainable. All it requires is a mental shift and change in daily behaviors and habits. Sound difficult? There is a simple method to obtain it if one is armed with an open-to-change attitude.

When Bonnie Curtis, Vice President of Global Oral Care at Procter & Gamble, charged her team the task of eliminating one hour per day of distraction and inefficiency during the merger with Gillette, she knew she was not assigning an easy task. Changing behaviors is something that takes time and dedicated repetition.

Curtis knew she wanted to change her team, but she also realized that she wanted to change how she personally worked within her team. For her, it was more than eliminating one hour of inefficiency per day. She took a look inside and objectively observed her actions and methods for work.

She wasn’t being as effective, she noted, if she held a grudge toward a person or kept a mental tally of errors. Her personal barrier against a colleague would prevent her from moving forward on a project or even talking to the person.

Curtis was also spending less time with her family. She consistently missed dinner, was absent at important sporting games and events for her children, and was distracted on the weekend. She wanted to be more present with her family and she knew something needed to change, which was Curtis’ first step in the right direction. By forming an awareness around what needs to be done, she was on her way toward personal change.

Curtis needed to release any tension she felt about her current state so she could reach her personal ideal future state: an 8-5 day that allowed her time with her family in the evenings and during the weekends. She needed to bridge the gap between her current state and ideal state. Once she formed an awareness around these dormant grudges, Curtis plowed forward and was able to work more effectively.

She replaced her personal barriers with optimism and the idea that she is a bold change leader, able to move her team forward but still keep her personal boundaries more intact. She built upon her own inner tenacity and launched forward, running herself through the Bright Side model anytime she needed to rid herself of barriers and distractions.

What about you? What will it take for you to rid yourself of personal distractions and inefficiencies?

The key to remember here: form an awareness on your current state, release any tension, replace it with the ideal, future state, and build upon it so that your change is sustainable and real.


July 17, 2009 at 4:33 pm Leave a comment

Executive Interest in an interview about the impact of fear on business /results?

Hi, this is Donna Rae.conversation



I am interested in identifying executives / managers who are who would be interested in scheduling an interview with me about the impact of fear on performance within your organization. The interview can be done over the telephone, is confidential, and expands the data we are collecting on fear and productivity.

I will provide a copy of the report to you and I will also provide coaching to you on strategic methods for creating a fearless organization.

We are all facing and feeling the impact of this intense, unpredictable, unstable climate. Identifying and removing fear barriers allows organizations and individuals to be agile, to be nimble and to adapt… boldly facing and moving through today’s challenges!

We can overcome fear, and thrive together!

Please either call, email me, or post a comment and we will set up a time to interview you.
donna rae

July 15, 2009 at 8:07 am 3 comments

Adjusting My View of Current Reality

sign-realitycheckI just read an article that caused me to adjust my view and filters regarding current reality.

The article had research information about our current economy as well as information about our economy over the past fifty years.

Without getting into detail, it said we have been experiencing an anomaly during the past fifty years in that the economy was in a continual expansion mode (a few justifications and reasons for this were provided), and that our current economy is the reality of what it will be like in the future.

Well!!! This article caused me to contemplate what that could mean for leaders moving forward.

  1. Few to no leaders have experience from fifty years ago that aligns with the business needs of today’s reality – we are currently learning to lead in new and different ways as we experience day to day revelations in this new economic reality.
  2. A recalibration of what success looks like, sounds like, feels like and is measured like will be necessary. This will vary by the industry, function, situation in which leaders find themselves.
  3. The way in which people are led will be different in that aspirational career growth, positional movement, personal development, travel globally, compensation adjustments, etc. could be reduced or not available due to tighter management of budgets.
  4. Limited inventories and options will create the need for true leadership in selling versus order taking. Increased competition for discretionary monies will also require selling to step up and lead.
  5. Marketing will take on a different look as more targeted messages are designed for smaller, unique populations. Again, reduced budgets could drive an increased need for greater ROI per customer, so targeting to higher potential buyers will be necessary.
  6. Adroitness with new and existing technologies will be required to do more with less resources and increase the need for “high tech touch” to lead disseminated audiences of employees, customers, consumers, suppliers, collaborators, partners, etc.
  7. Leaders will be required to become very good at providing clarity of direction, priority, focus and metrics in order that these dispersed audiences can operate independently and still stay aligned with the organizational imperatives. Partnering beyond the traditional company boundaries will also require sharing these aspects of leadership with non-traditional entities in order to compete effectively.
  8. Leaders will also have to be better coaches, supporters, barrier-breakers and reinforcers of empowered followers in order to reduce errors and potential failure modes of operations as followers get up to speed and become leaders in their own business arenas.
  9. These more micro-focused organizations will require a strong core of strategic structure and infrastructure from which independence can be enabled in order to make better decisions at the point of performance, move with speed and agility, and maximize the cost/service/quality requirements of the target audience.
  10. Not to mention the leadership challenges for supply chain partnerships, purchasing reciprocity, legal licensing, financial refocusing, benefits contracting, recruiting & hiring, etc., etc.

I believe every strategic and functional aspect of how we have done business in the past is changing and that strong, agile, open to learning leadership will be required to challenge and adapt to the new economy as we move forward.

Okay, I shared some of my thoughts and filter changes.

What additional adds do you have based on our economy being more of the same as we have had this past year (2008-09), versus being the double-digit growth, fat and happy economy we have experienced since the 1950’s?


July 13, 2009 at 12:05 pm Leave a comment

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